dingjian at math dot pku dot edu dot cn
2021年7月至2021年12月,宾西法尼亚大学Gilbert Helman讲席教授,统计与数据科学系教授。
2017年7月至2021年6月, 宾西法尼亚大学统计系终身副教授。
2011年9月至2012年6月,斯坦福大学数学系博士后(Szego Assistant Professor)。
2011年6月至2011年8月, 华盛顿大学计算机科学与工程学院博士后。
1. Proof of the satisfiability conjecture for large $k$ (with A. Sly and N. Sun ), Conference version at STOC 2015, Journal version in Annals of Mathematics (2), 196 (2022), no. 1, 1–388.
2. Jian Ding and Jiaming Xia, Exponential decay of correlations in the two-dimensional random field Ising model. Inventiones, Volume 224, 999--1045 (2021).
3. Jian Ding, Julien Dubédat, Alexander Dunlap, Hugo Falconet (2020), Tightness of Liouville first passage percolation for γ ∈ (0,2), Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS volume, 132, pp. 353-403.
4. Jian Ding and Charles K. Smart, Localization near the edge for the Anderson Bernoulli model on the two dimensional lattice, Inventiones Mathematicae, 219, pp. 467-506 (2020).
5. Jian Ding and Subhajit Goswami, Upper bounds on Liouville first passage percolation and Watabiki’s prediction, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 72 (11), pp. 2331-2384, (2019).
6. Maury Bramson, Jian Ding, Ofer Zeitouni, Convergence in law of the maximum of the two-dimensional discrete Gaussian free field, Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 69 (1), pp. 62-123 (2016).
7. Jian Ding, Allan Sly, Nike Sun, Maximum independent sets on random regular graphs, Acta Mathematica, 217 (2), pp. 263-340 (2016).
8. Jian Ding, James R. Lee, Yuval Peres, Cover times, blanket times, and majorizing measures, Annals of Mathematics, 175 (3), pp. 1409-1471, (2012).
本研合上, 随机过程II, 2022年春季
Zijie Zhuang, current student, University of Pennsylvania.
Linjun Li, Ph.D. 2022, University of Pennsylvania. Now works in financial industry.
Jiaming Xia, Ph.D. 2022, University of Pennsylvania (jointly supervised with Robin Pemantle). Now postdoc at IHES.
Mateo Wirth, Ph.D. 2021, University of Pennsylvania, now at Facebook.
Changji Xu , Ph.D. 2020 at University of Chicago, now postdoc at Harvard.
Jianfei Shen: Master 2017 at University of Chicago, now at Alibaba.
Li Li: Ph.D 2017 at University of Chicago.
Subhajit Goswami: Ph.D 2017 at University of Chicago, now assistant professor at TIFR.
Rishideep Roy: Ph.D 2016 at University of Chicago, now assistant professor at IIM Bangalore.
Editorial Board on Forum of Mathematics, Pi & Sigma, since October 2023.
Editorial Board on Peking Math Journal, since October 2023.
Editorial Board on Transactions of the London Mathematical Society, since March 2023.
Editorial Board on Frontiers of Mathematics, since January 2023.
Associate Editor for Journal of American Mathematical Society, 2/1/2022--1/31/2026.
Co-Chair for Contribution session sub-committee of IMS World Congress, June 2022.
Associate Editor for Annals of Probability since January 2021.
Associate Editor for Communications in Mathematical Physics since October 2019.
Associate Editor for Annals of Applied Probability since January 2019.
Editorial board on Science in China Mathematics since January 2018.
Loève Prize, 2024
London Mathematical Society Berwick Prize 2023 (shared with Ewain Gwynne).
The Xplorer Prize, 2023.
Frontiers of Science Award 2023 (shared with Allan Sly and Nike Sun).
Frontiers of Science Award 2023 (shared with Julien Dubédat, Alexander Dunlap and Hugo Falconet).
Plenary speaker, International Congress of Mathematical Physics 2024.
IMS Medallion Lecture 2024.
ICCM Gold Medal 2022.
Invited Lecture in International Congress of Mathematicians (joint with Julien Dubédat and Ewain Gwynne), 2022.
Plenary Lecture, International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians 2022.
Invited Address in AMS Sectional Meeting, Boston 2018.
Rollo Davidson Prize, 2017 (shared with Nike Sun).
Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, 2015-2019 (NCE).
NSF Career Award, 2015-2021 (NCE).